Ancestral Retreats – another mandatory hobby for influencers, or the path to more emotionally intelligent humans?

Is it just another wellness practice widespread among social medias, or are we, as humans, evolving as spiritual beings?

We interviewed Marco and Carolina from Ancestral Retreats to find out more about this issue. Besides being the faces behind of a retreat company on the rise, they’re also yoga teachers. Marco is certified in “Hatha Kundalini” and “Vinyasa” yoga, and a musician who brings Mantras and Medicine Music into his practice, with vocals, guitar, and harmonium; Carolina is a Certified Holistic Therapist, who specializes in Himalayan Kundalini, Kriyas, advanced pranayama practices, sacred rituals and ancestral ceremonies. She has also trained as an energy healer, meditation initiator, and conscious event organizer.  

After talking to them, it became clear that yoga is more than a trend—it’s a way to heal our spirits. Marco and Carolina’s answers bring a deeper perspective on this ancient practice and clarity on what yoga truly is. Younger generations are feeling the need to evolve as spiritual beings and break generational trauma and this need has led many to spiritually-focused businesses like Ancestral Retreats.

The faster our world gets, the more these spiritual-focused businesses will grow because people will need that break from their technological world. We are, after all, social animals at heart, and we will always need the connection with others, ourselves, and the divine that yoga can give us.

Who Is Behind Ancestral Retreats?

Marco & Carolina – Ancestral Retreats & Academy is supported by a diverse and international team committed to bringing together various ancestral techniques from South America and yogic practices from the Indian Himalayas. Carolina, originally from Colombia, envisioned creating an inclusive space of consciousness where people could reconnect with themselves through various practices. Marco, from Germany, brought philosophy, music, and structure to the project, and together, we turned this vision into a manifested reality. Since then, we have had hundreds of participants joining us every month from all over the world. We also have many other key contributors integral to this project. For us, every role—from the person who prepares the meals to the venue hosts, the creator of our beautiful website, and the facilitators at each retreat—plays a fundamental part in the success of our events.

What Motivated You to Create a Spiritual Retreat Company?

Marco & Carolina – In a world increasingly marked by disconnection—where we are often lost in social media, constantly seeking external validation, and driven by competition from a young age—we find ourselves trapped in anxiety, and depression, and far removed from our true purpose. Many people work in jobs they dislike, adhere to societal norms, or stay in relationships devoid of love, all while feeling empty inside. It is crucial to create spaces where we can reconnect with our true essence, remembering who we were before society, family, and external influences dictated our identity. In harmony with Mother Nature, Ancestral Retreats & Academy stands for a conscious community that brings people from all over the world together, no matter their age, gender, background, or beliefs. We believe that we are all one—we just need to remember this true connection and essence within us. After experiencing this disconnection firsthand, we discovered the profound impact of living a more conscious life through mindful eating, meditation, breathwork, yoga, singing, praying, and living in a community. We felt compelled to share this transformative experience with the world, facilitating events in Colombia and Portugal—and very soon in other parts of the world.

Your Retreats Seem to Offer Wonderful Experiences. Can You Tell Us a Bit More About How You Organize Your Retreats and What You Aim to Achieve With Each Edition?

Marco & Carolina – Each retreat and training is unique because each time we have a new group. Every detail is crafted with love and dedication. We witness how the various medicines we work with, such as Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Tantra, Kundalini, Chanting, Cacao, and Rapé, have a profound impact on each participant. Our mission is to guide each person in discovering their inner wisdom through the tools we provide. In other words, we empower others to help themselves through self-love and mindfulness. At the core of our approach are techniques of self-reflection and realization, centered around the gift of being present in the Now. The present moment is all that matters, as it is here that we make decisions and discover our true selves. We are not interested in creating more gurus; instead, we strive to help each person find their inner teacher, follow their unique path, and release their limitations and fears. Our goal is for participants to believe in themselves again, forgive their past, trust in their present, and rediscover who they truly are. This transformation takes place in a safe space where we learn from and support one another in an atmosphere of love, compassion, and joy—a space where you can believe again. It’s common for our participants to return, first attending a retreat and then joining a training, for example.

What Is Kundalini Yoga?

Marco & Carolina – Kundalini yoga focuses on awakening Shakti energy, the dormant cosmic energy believed to reside at the base of the spine. This powerful energy, often depicted as a coiled serpent, is awakened through various practices such as asanas, pranayama, mudras, bandhas, mantras, and meditation. As Shakti energy rises through the seven energy centers, or chakras, along the spine, it leads to profound spiritual awakening and a heightened state of consciousness, helping practitioners achieve greater self-awareness and inner transformation.

Amid a Global Mental Health Crisis, What Do You Believe Is the Solution to Addressing Disconnection and Relieving Stress, Anxiety, and Pain?

Marco & Carolina – One of the best medicines is nature, and it’s vital to take time to disconnect from daily life – from our phones, TVs, and news – and reconnect with the natural world. Simple practices such as breathing fresh air or walking barefoot can be profoundly restorative. Instead of immediately checking your phone upon waking, take a moment to appreciate the new day as a gift, practicing gratitude each day. It’s an opportunity to start anew and be your best self. Although not everyone finds silent meditation easy, it’s important to create a sacred space for yourself, whether through walking, dancing, singing, breathing, journaling, or other practices. People ask how they can change their lives, and it is very simple: by changing your daily routine. Pay attention to how you feel when you wake up, at midday, and before bedtime, and engage in activities that help you shift out of your mind and reconnect with yourself. As soon as we change our nutrition, and the things we consume, and start the day with mindful routines, our lives change, and we can see the world within and around us with different eyes.

Is Practicing Yoga More Important for Women, Who Are Typically Seen as More Spiritual Beings?

Marco & Carolina – We believe that yoga is important for everyone—children, adults, the elderly, men, and women alike. Many misunderstand yoga, thinking it only involves practicing postures for an hour on a mat. However, yoga can be integrated into every aspect of life. When you live consciously and serve others, you practice Karma Yoga. Through devotion and trust, we develop a relationship with ourselves and the world through the path of the heart, which is Bhakti Yoga. Chanting mantras together is one of the most powerful and simple yoga practices everyone can do. When you treat yourself and others with compassion and kindness, without judgment, you embody Ahimsa, one of the Yamas, or ethical principles of yoga. Conscious breathing and meditation with mantras are forms of yoga. Our goal is to bring the practice of yoga into our daily lives, not just when we’re on the mat. Yoga is not just a lifestyle—it is a true way of living, right here and right now in every moment. Yoga is not about how we look or how flexible we are.It’s about how we feel as a being in community, and how we treat ourselves and others. Embodied yoga creates the union between us and the essence of everything (some people call it universal consciousness, Divinity, Mother Earth, or Universe).

If Someone Wanted to Connect With Their Spiritual Self and Live an Aligned Life, What Would Their First Steps Be?

Marco & Carolina – To connect with your spiritual self and live an aligned life, start by incorporating daily practices that foster mindfulness and self-awareness. Begin with routines like conscious breathing and expressing gratitude each morning, or blessing your food before you eat it. Identify which activities bring you joy and which do not, being mindful of their impact on your well-being. Engage in practices that support your growth, such as spending time in nature, walking barefoot, or journaling, and include meditation with mantras to deepen your inner connection. Whatever you do—whether it’s taking care of your kids, working in an office, or gardening—approach it with love and to the best of your abilities. Additionally, it’s important to close chapters on people, situations, or habits that hinder your progress. By embedding these practices into your routine and consciously letting go of what no longer serves you, you’ll cultivate a stronger connection with your spiritual self and align more closely with your true purpose.

Is Yoga Just Another Trend?

Marco & Carolina – Yoga has always existed and will always exist; it has no beginning or end. When we practice yoga, we are practicing presence—the only moment that truly exists. It is the experience of unity between our mind, body, and soul, and our connection with others and the divine. What we see as a trend is the focus on asanas (Vinyasa Flow Yoga, for example), which is only a small part of the practice. Many people now view yoga merely as a workout or as a way to feed their ego through “advanced” postures, forgetting the essence of the practice. This shift has led to a focus on the external aspects of the practice, rather than the internal transformation it offers. We hope that yoga schools will guide their students to embody the true spirit of yoga, demonstrating through their own lives how to connect with the divine within and around them. By doing so, they can inspire others to see and experience this divine presence in their own lives, fostering a return to the authentic essence of yoga.

Photo courtesy of Ancestral Retreats © All rights reserved.

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